Anshan Shengchen / 0412-8420776

Introduction to ladle

Posted time:2021-09-23 Page View:2658

The ladle is a container that can store and transport molten steel during smelting and refine it in the ladle. The ladle consists of a lining, a casing and a flow control mechanism. The shell is welded from boiler steel plate, the thickness needs to reach about 20mm, and the outer reinforcement and reinforcement hoop protection.

The inner lining is composed of insulation layer, layer and working layer. The working layer is 150~160mm magnesium-carbon brick. The material of insulation layer is 10mm asbestos board, the insulation layer uses microporous insulation board as insulation material, the thickness is not less than 5mm; The thickness of castable shall not be less than 90mm.

The flow control mechanism is to adjust the flow nozzle of ladle to control the size of molten steel flow and the height of liquid steel level in the middle. Has the upper and lower mouth, the upper and lower skateboard composition.

At present, the widely used ladle refractories mainly include aluminum silicate, aluminum magnesium, aluminum carbon, magnesium carbon, magnesium calcium and zirconium, among which aluminum magnesium carbon ladle refractories are widely used. Aluminum-magnesia carbonaceous monolithic ramming material is usually used on ladles of more than 200 tons, and its service life is about 6 times that of clay material, with good service effect: the average age of aluminum-magnesia carbonaceous castable is between 50 and 80 times, about 8 times higher than that of clay material.