Anshan Shengchen / 0412-8420776

What are ladle resistant materials?

Posted time:2021-09-23 Page View:587

Non-fired brick: almost all of the fired brick materials used in ladle at present can be made into corresponding non-fired brick. Its production process is relatively simple, the price is low, the brick itself has a certain mechanical strength and erosion resistance, easy to construction masonry.

Clay brick: mainly used for ladle layer and ladle bottom. The content of A12O3 is generally 30%.

High alumina brick: used for ladle work layer. The content of A12O3 in brick is 50%.

Wax stone brick: used for ladle wall and bottom. The brick SiO2 content is high, generally more than 80%, better than clay brick erosion resistance and integrity, and do not hang slag.

Zircon brick: mainly used in ladle slag line. ZrO2 content in brick is generally 60%.

Magnesia carbon brick: mainly used in ladle slag line, especially suitable for multi-furnace continuous pouring occasions. The content of MgO in the brick is about 76%, and the content of carbon in the brick is 15%.

Aluminum-magnesium castable: this castable is mainly used in ladle. Under the action of molten steel, MgO and A12O3 in the castable react to generate aluminum-oval spinel, which improves the slag resistance and thermal shock resistance of the lining.

Aluminum-magnesia carbon brick: ladle lining developed on the basis of aluminum-magnesia castable to prolong the service life of ladle.

If the ladle itself is also used for refining, MgO3 series and MgO can also be selected, mainly including magnesite chrome brick, magnesite chrome aluminum brick, dolomite brick and so on.

When using the brick of content ink material as ladle lining, it is better to apply a layer of anti-oxidation coating on its surface to prevent the surface of lining from oxidizing loose and affecting its service life when firing the ladle.